Sunday, February 5, 2012

Kelee: Sewing a Twirly Skirt

It's Super Bowl Sunday, or as we call it at our house – Super Bowl Sunday. I'm a true Mississippi girl at heart so on Super Bowl Sunday I do what a lot of Mississippi girls do on Super Bowl Sunday. First, I finished up about a gazillion hats that I had half-finished and stuck back in my yarn boxes.

Then I went to a reception at our neighborhood Cooperative Gallery – Artist inResidence. After that, we made a twirly skirt from sparkly heart fabric. Finally, we are watching the big game. Apparently we have not stressed the sportyball education in our household because the girlchild said, “Can I be for the Red Sox?” And the boychild thought that the winner of the coin toss was the winner of the game.
The gallery event was totally fun. There were tasty foods, interesting conversations, and an art raffle. We bought a raffle ticket for a Vermont Bag Lady bag and lost. The winner, however, was our friend Cheryl, and she gave the bag to us. Okay, fine. She gave it to Apple. Look how cute, though. I really like the Vermont Bag Lady's bags. Very unique and very well made.

I found some fabric on sale at our local yarn and fabric store yesterday, and I had a pattern for a very twirly skirt that I've been wanting to try. When we got home from the gallery, the family guys were playing a video game. As fun as watching others play video games can be, we decided to try to make the skirt.

The fabric that I bought was called cuddly flannel. It was on sale for only $2.50/yard at my local JoAnn's. Check it out. It had glitter hearts already built in on it. Glitter hearts! How could we pass that up? It seems pretty nice. Soft and a little fuzzy on the back and not prone to wrinkling, which is good because we are not an ironing family.

Together, the girlchild and I crawled through the twirly skirt instructions. It took me longer than it should have just to read the instructions. Long enough that the Apple got out a dry erase board and wrote encouraging slogans to urge me along. Things like "Good Job Mama" and "Are you going to ever finish this? Check one: Yes or No."

I had to ask for some help with the hem and would have asked for more help if my serious sewing blogmate Alison had been home earlier. I would have NEVER figured out the hem instructions without her help or a youtube tutorial. I am happy with how it turned out, though. Better than my previous efforts.

And way twirlier. The poor little carsicky girl almost yakked while testing out the twirliness. 

 The waistband is a different material. This one below. I see now that it easily gets covered up by the shirt. I think I'll make it longer in the next one.

I also think it's about time that I make myself a twirly skirt. Maybe I'll get around to it on the next Super Bowl Sunday. Although, I can probably do without the glittery hearts.

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1 comment:

  1. I love the gift Apple received from the raffle. I also love, "Will you ever finish?" check yes or no. The twirly skirt is great.
