Thursday, February 3, 2011


Up the road a piece is a goat farm. Attached is a store: Boston Post Dairy Country Store. They sell all things made from goats: most excellent chocolate cookies made with chevre, goat cheeses, soaps, as well as delicious crackers, breads, and so many more goodies. The goats are pregnant right now, and soon cute little babies will be here for cuddling.
In honor of these beautiful creatures, I thought I'd make some bags with goats silkscreened on the front and see if the store would like to carry them. (I hope they will!)

I took pictures of the goats (and the barn cat, of course) and sketched from the photos till I came up with a reasonable facsimile of a goat. I scanned it into the computer

Reversed it so the goat would be looking at you from the lower right hand corner of the bag. Then called for someone to take over from here. (help?)

I’ve always wanted to try my hand at silkscreening. Luckily, I was put in touch with Kathy Boumil of Cownty Screen Printing in Swanton (868-6146). I came by on a Saturday so I could watch her work.

She walked me through the process from making an acetate print of my sketch to the finished panels for the front of the bags. It was so exciting to learn a new technique - more than seeing the actual result of my sketch.

I LOVE the behind-the-scenes part of making art. And Cathy was wonderful for letting me do the work with her. She’s just starting up her own business and I’m so glad to have met her.

After all the panels were done, she silkscreened a goat on the back of a t-shirt. Cool, huh?

(Next idea... a mouse bag...)

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