Thursday, October 15, 2015

Crochet Hats and Leaves

I have a lot of love for my adopted home state. One of my favorite things about Vermont is that there are five very distinct seasons. Sure, winter accounts for about seven months and mud season sometimes lasts longer than spring, but it is nice to mark the passing of time with the traditions, sights, sounds, and flavors of each new season. And fall. Wow. What's not to love about fall?

The apples are ready, the corn mazes are mapped out, and hat season is here at last! Makes my wallet bulge with anticipation. heart bulge with appreciation.
The leaves have not disappointed this year. (Unlike my friends who always host the cider pressing party. Shame on Amanda for putting work and obligations above my cider drinking needs.) We did a quick drive around to peep some leaves the other day, and the girlchild shot the photos out of the car window.

Drive-by leaf peeping. This has been the first year that they have really joined in on my effusive praise of the trees. I am reminded of the year when a tiny girlchild patted me on the arm and said she was "all set with the trees." Tsk. How could one be all set with that beauty?

What really gets me about Vermont is that you don't have to go anywhere special to see this kind of beauty. We just rode around the back roads, which are actually the only roads, and happened upon all of these views.

Speaking of beauty, I got a big box o' yarn in the mail recently. Ordering yarn off the Internets is iffy. Hard to really know what to expect without even a quick fondle. I decided to try Brava from Knit Picks. It wasn't exactly what I expected, but I was very happy with the resulting hats.
I'd apologize for being so Braggy Lynn Jones about my hats, but I am already writing a blog about hat making so I think we are past the point of false modesty.

In honor of Chandler, could there be any more stripes?


Would it be too much if I said that they look even better in real life? Come see them at The Flying Disc in beautiful downtown Enosburg Falls and come soon so you can see those leaves!

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