Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Kelee: Electric Kool-Aid Yarn Flashback

Our local grocery store has probably been curious about the substantial spike in Kool-Aid sales because I've been dying like a mad woman! Here are the results - both successes and failures.

Here's the girlchild in her Velma-inspired orange and red cloche.
I was going for Velma as a flapper.
The colors are really nice and lined up well on the hat.
This is a success.

Here's the boy in an overly-intense green and blue and dusty purple mistake.
I also tried placing the colors on the yarn in a more random pattern.
The randomness did not make sense in the end product.
This is a failure.

This hat is orange, yellow, and purple.
I tried putting the colors on the yarn in big blocks.
Putting the colors like this was okay-ish. It wasn't exciting, though
and didn't make too much sense when crocheted up.
This is a failure.
It made me realize that I don't like the purple Kool-Aid yarn results,
which is especially odd since it's my favorite flavored Kool-Aid.
The boy and the dog are just there for cuteness.

Collection of hats.
Three shade of green.
Orange and Red.
Blue and Yellow with green overlaps.
Gritty Kitty


  1. wow - amazing what you can do with Kool-aid, we don't have that here in the UK! Great hats :)


  2. You don't have Kool-Aid? What do British kids drink?
