We look for signs of spring, and have found Canada geese, lots of robins, skinny deer munching dead grass in fields, and yesterday I heard red-winged blackbirds.
So, I retreat to my basement studio to pretend the daffodils are popping up and bits of green are coming through the snow. Soon, there will be crocuses and snowdrops, right?
• • •
I have a list of projects to do for other people: two dolls a friend asked me to finish for her - one was chewed on by a mouse and one is an old Holly Hobbie doll that needs a head.
And I need to create a cover for a community guide the local newspaper puts out each year. The sap buckets are props for that painting.
AND, I need to sew the handles on the goat bags so I can meekly crawl into the store up the road that sells goat products and hope they want to display my bags... AND, I SHOULD make more bags, huh.

Maybe this litle guy will be inspiration.
(Look at all that snow!)
But enough of what I SHOULD be doing.
Instead, I am working on two dolls and have an idea for a third in the bunny series.
Here is the second bunny doll as a work in progress.
He is bunny boy. I love his little face.
This one has a little more color in his face than the first one.

I dyed the furry material with fushia dye. I was trying out different ribbons and like the purple on him. He also has red feet sticking out of his too short costume. Bunny baby had furry feet.
Now it is nearly done; I need flowers for the base but have to drive to a store that is one hour away to get them so I'll save up my errands for that area and do them all at once.
Oh look, it is snowing.
Back to the basement.
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