My world is richer for having seen Arthur Rackham's illustrations.
My beautiful collection of fabric, I have amassed over the last month, is an inspiration to create fairies and princesses, lost in the woods, waiting patiently for their prince or just living their lives in humble, unassuming ways.
Dressed in beautiful fabrics, of course.
So, steeped in steamy French films, my basket of threads, scissors and lace trims, by my side I came up with...
My handsome little prince.
He is dressed in velvet pantaloons, a brocade jacket trimmed in gold and black, accented with engraved buttons and pearls. His sleeves are silk - taupe with pearls gathering the sides, on top of cream colored silk sleeves gathered at the wrist and trimmed in lace. Around his neck is silk with pearl trim, organza ribbon and lace. His cap is velvet, trimmed in ribbon and gold rick-rack and pearls. His shoes are maroon velvet with bows and metal heart shaped clasping buckles. He lounged on the couch while I spent afternoons hand sewing the trim.
I like his pensive face, and he, like the princesses in my imaginary stories, is unassuming, quiet and kind, with a studious appreciation for the arts and music.

This morning he moved to the gallery. I hope he is happy there.

Maybe, on rainy afternoons, he can come back home and he and I can lay on the couch and watch romantic French films, eat a few tootsie rolls and think about grassy fields, and maybe a lost young princess wandering among the decaying apple trees, collecting wild onions for her soup.
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