The furrier one has issues. Lately she's been standing right in front of the wall beside the door while waiting for me to open the door. Even after I'm standing there holding the door open. That is compounded by her normal issues – the shivering, the yelping, the panic howling, the stegosaurial-like fur that stands up on her back when she sees another dog. She's pretty much a weird cat in a weird dog's body.
The husbander one recently shaved his mustache for snorkeling purposes. He looks like he could be the bass player for some weird metal band that only plays songs about extinct African birds. Eco-Afro-Avian-Metal. It could be a thing.
That is why I've been hesitant to show you what I made.
A Stella Stuffie.
I put the girlchild to work stuffing it.
From the back, it even looks like a cat.
Of course, Stella loves it.
She said that it helped her fulfill her lifelong goal of chewing on her own ears.
I'm considering wiping some corn chip crumbs on the stuffie's paws to make it more authentic.
Are you now wondering if I also made a husband stuffie?
you are onto something here. animal lovers have been known to stuff their furry friends after their demise (the animal's) so why not give them a plush, washable memento? you clearly are a wizard to get photos on cloth. so patent this and become fabulously wealthy. but don't move away as we need you here. and A needs to go to school, so you will have to hire other child labor.