So, what do I create that will sell like... ummm, whatever sells well...?
I figger some sort of art doll would be a good idea being as that's why I show my work there.
So, to begin a line of dolls (if there is such a thing in my spastic mind).
Here are my inspirations:
Ruffly things
tulle-y things
flowery stuff
cool pics I stole off the internets
And the most wonderful dogs ever drawn by my step-daughter Jen
So I sketch ideas that come to me between awake and sleep
And hope the creations work out.
This past weekend I went to the local hardware store, bought two rolls of dull grey duct tape and used them to create this!
There are a couple of theories: One is you use a symmetrical dress form to create your clothes on so the asymmetry of your body is not exaggerated. The other is that you want the clothes to fit YOU, not a generic size that is like yours.
I think they both have merit.
Anyway. Once upon a time I read an article in Threads about making a dress form out of duct tape. So, Zee and I watched a tutorial while I wrapped her in her duct tape corset then cut it up the middle, attached it with more duct tape to one of my many sticks in the basement, then stuck it in a bucket of sand.
That didn't work. So I put it in a tree stand.
See, my daughter is heading to Germany later this summer to spend her sophomore year of high school in Leipzig. So I need a substitute Zee to hang out with a watch 'Bones' while she's gone. Put a basketball head on it, and voila - a Z-Sub!
Not really. I want to learn how to design patterns on a three dimensional thingy rather than just on paper.
I'll make one of myself someday but I figure I'll need an extra roll of duct tape.
Thanks to Zeeeeee for the top photo. She is a whiz with her new camera. Good eye, Zee.