I've got writer's block of the crafty kind. Sort of. I can think up stuff to make; I just don't feel like doing it. I mostly feel like sitting on my couch eating snacks of the fatty kind while I watch Parks & Recreation.
I've started some stuff (mostly in an attempt to push my way through this block), and I've completed some special orders. Other than that, nothing for about a week and a half. This is, by far, the longest I've gone without making something in a very long time.
I'd like to pretend that I've had a lot of concerned blog-readers emailing me to question my lengthy hiatus, but no one has noticed. Pity party. Table of, sniff, one.
Only, I'm not really feeling bad about the break. I am curious to see what I'm going to make next.
I'm about to receive my annual Money for the Arts Grant (aka a tiny bit of our tax return), and I don't have any plans on how I'm going to spend it. A search of the history of my search history shows that I've been searching quilting feet for my sewing machine, sergers, enameling supplies, porcelain shipping pricing, and new glazes. When I go out to eat, I usually spend a long time trying to decide between two different entrees only to order a third unconsidered option when the waiter takes my order. This sometimes happens with my Money for the Arts Grant, too. The good thing about this strange habit is that we can all be surprised together when the package shows up.
Anyway, I hope you aren't blocked up and are making something cool.